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Your Position:Home > Raincoats for Food Delivery Bag > Rainproof Cloth and Waterproof Cover for Any Pizza Delivery Backpacks - Yellow Color

Rainproof Cloth and Waterproof Cover for Any Pizza Delivery Backpacks - Yellow Color

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    • NO.:PK-BCover2
    • Quantity: 65530 pcs
    • Brand:Packir
    • Weight:50gram
    • Rank: comment rank 5
    • Market price:$36 USD
    • Shop price:$20 USD
    • Quantity:
    • Total:
    • This goods is Free shipping, it is not included in the total fee distribution when calculating the distribution amount

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This is the price for 1 piece of raincoat of any food delivery bags. Packir can customize any raincoat for your food delivery bag based on your bag size and style. Please contact us by email

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